I sit here thinking
About the great times we've had together
Never could explain everything
But not everyone is as funny as you.
I love the way you make me smile
How you make me happy
When I'm sad and lonely
No one has ever done that
Don't know how you feel
I'm always left clueless
I never know what's going on
Please tell me.
So many words can describe the way I feel
I can never say them to your face
I love how I can just be myself around you
I can't do that around anyone else
You let me express my feelings to you
And you help me through tough times
You tell me it will be alright
Hearing you say that....makes me think it's true
So many emotions
So little time
I've known you for so long
Why is it now?
I've known you for about 3 years now
At first I couldn't stand you
But now...that we're older
I find myself thinking about you more and more
I can't explain it
Don't know why it's happening
This is so weird...
You're not just "that one guy"
You're the guy I like
There are so many mixed signals
I'm getting confused
Don't know what to say
For once I would like to know how you feel
I thought you would like to know
How I really feel inside
But please,
Don't leave me here
I just want to know the truth