Roses are Red

by Monica   Dec 1, 2004

Roses are red,
honey is sweet,
can you feel,
my heart beat?

Everyday I see you,
Ever time I'm near you,
When i look at your face,
I feel my heart quicken it's pace!

Don't you know I luv you,
or just how much?
how every time I see you,
I long for your touch?

I can wait foever,
for us to be together,
But baby,

Plz comment!!

Monica ^_^


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  • 20 years ago

    by JoSeLiNe

    Hey moni. i have a friend name monica and i call her moni (sorry i know that was not interasting)any ways good poem keep up the good work

  • 20 years ago

    by LQFootballer67

    aww.. that's sweet! i like this poem. great job! keep up the good work!

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