Not real...

by SplitSided   Dec 1, 2004

I can feel you watching me.
You've got a spark in your eye and that's not hard to see.
I can see you in the distance.
I move closer to you and there's no resistance.
Closer I move.
Closer to you.
I make you nervous there's a buckle in your knee's.
You've been seeing me for a couple weeks.
People watch me when I talk to you.
They watch me talk to you and don't know what to do.
They sit there just watching waiting to see what I'll do.
It looks like they can't see you.
I start to laugh.
Wait for time to pass.
I know for a fact that you love me.
But in public people look at me like I'm crazy.
When your here I feel like somethings wrong.
I all of a sudden feel normal when your gone.
When your gone in my mind you break.
When your here peices of my sanity is what you take.
I can feel it.
Because my personality starts to split.
I hear voice's.
They alter my choice's.
They tell me where to go.
They tell me what to show.
They tell me what they know.
They tell me how to feel.
They tell me that your not real...


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