She tells me about when she was wrong
about how her mum was constantly getting her done
about how she was never allowed to have fun
she says, i know it's not nice, but i hate my mum
she tells me about how one night she was crying
all the pain that held she thought she was dying
but if she couldn't see it, then it wasn't real
for all that she cared she should have knelt over and keeled
says that she never spent a moment in time
as long as she was breathing things seem to be fine
how could that witch be so freaking blind
spent day and night sat there drinking her wine
she'd never touch her, just make her cry
made her every life difficult, so she wanted to die
tried so many ways, knife, water pills
these were her only life editions of frills
so i turn to my mother
said that i felt her pain
mother i said
i feel exactly the same