Your Smile

by It Itty   Dec 1, 2004

Feeling depressed...not knowing why.
Having a rotten time, but not wanting to die.
No one notices because of this mask I wear--
To others, I look happy, cool, and content.
But inside I'm screaming.
I'm annoyed with myself for wanting more attention.
I find things coming from my mouth, things I know I don't want to say.
All these things build up and make me depressed, ruining my day.
But then you looked at me and smiled.
Touched my shoulder and simply told me have a nice day.
I will now, thank you so much!
For that was all I needed, someone showing me I'm not invisible and that they care.

God works in mysterious ways.
Reminding us of His greatness in subtle sings.
Have you ever had the urge to tell someone to have a nice can make a wold of difference.


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Latest Comments

  • 18 years ago

    by Justin

    WOW i can totally relate, great job!!

  • 19 years ago

    by Marjan

    Yeah, so true. and just so great.
    I really enjoyed reading it.
    much love,

  • 20 years ago

    by Unrequited

    an absolutely wonderful poem... i have had that happen to me, and since then, i try to do it for others. Your faith is what draws me to your writing. I hope you can check out my poems sometime! God bless, Tom

  • 20 years ago

    by Heather M Craig

    in relation, very true and wonderfully written poem!! God bless
    Love Heather

  • 20 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    powerful message well written