Real me

by Marcie   Dec 2, 2004

A broken soul
with out a place
a broken girl
with no smile on her face
a broken friend
who told a lie
a broken daughter
who wants to die

I hope you realize
I never wanted to be
that lonely girl i know inside
that lonely girl you see

I wish that I was pretty
or maybe even cool
I wish I was smart and talented
I dread going to school.

I look into the mirror
and I gag at what I see
because sometimes being cute
just isn\'t enough for me.

But everyone I know
They can\'t truly see
that deep inside
I hide the real me

A broken soul
with out a place
a broken girl
with no smile on her face
a broken friend
who told a lie
a broken daughter
who wants to die


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  • 20 years ago

    by Michelle

    Aww mia thats a really cute and sad poem...Great work mia...keep it up and keep going


  • 20 years ago

    by Mandy

    excellent! i loved it...keep writing, it was beautiful