Where Are You?

by Lance Hardy   Dec 2, 2004

Another day goes by
And still, no sign
Where have you gone
My sole divine

Your amazing advice
Your humor and grace
I miss it all
And your wonderful face

You made me strong
Unwilling to fall
Why waste your time?
Unless I was your doll

Doesn’t matter to me
I still love you so
Come back and talk
Without you, I feel low


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Latest Comments

  • 19 years ago

    by Red Charm

    Awww that is so sweet really great poem

  • 20 years ago

    by lokighost

    great poem rachel is one lucky girl to have some one like you and keep up the good work

    5/5 terry vaughan

  • 20 years ago

    by Sean Allen

    I really liked the "My sole divine" part, because of the sole/soul thing going on, very high-class. i would say that the line that bothered me the most was "Unless I was your doll," there are a lot of words that rhyme with fall: all, ball, brawl, thrall, enthral, recall, squall, hall, scrawl, wall, tall... you get the idea. Good poem

  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    nice one! i like the emotion showed, great poem!

  • 20 years ago

    by Rachel

    Leave it the way it is Jeffrey. I love it. :D *grins*

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