Never knowing again

by Kaitlin   Dec 3, 2004

You were like my sister
I got mad at you plenty of times
and we've had our share of quarrels.
But in the end we still had each other.

We still had each other…

That meant something
We had each others hopes, dreams, and hearts in our hands
We had he deepest trust in one another

You were the one I always talked to when I had a problem
There was no one else I could tell
It was you that I sought comfort in

I wish now that I didn't feel the pain I fill when I think about our friendship dying.
You were me and I was you

All we did was talk about our future
Where we saw ourselves..
Still friends of course…
Worrying about how we were going to see each other when we went away to college

The year is ending now though
We only have one more yr to go before we graduate
My once best friend is now just a familiar face passing by

Never knowing who you really are anymore..
Never again knowing my “best friend”


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