Comments : We...

  • 20 years ago

    by Thumbelina04

    wow thts great well wrote, kno how u feel!

  • 20 years ago

    by Jennifer

    N.I.C.E. I like how you word that, sounds like me lol anywayz keep up the good work:)


  • 20 years ago

    by Jack

    increadable, amazing whatever you want to call it that was fabulous wow i'm speachless it's so true, what happened and yet i'm shur that other ppl have had the same thing or something close to that so they can relate to it............ BRAVO, BRAVO

  • 20 years ago

    by candy

    AWESOME, STUPENDOUSLY WONDERFUL JOB. that was so incredibly true and awesome, could never have said it better. wonderful., you told my story for me. lots o luv, nice work.

  • 20 years ago

    by tender69

    sweet stuff,kow(keeponwrittin)

  • 20 years ago

    by Leah20

    Once again you wrote a brilliant piece of poetry. I only wish to someday have your talent. You captured the youth of America so well, and for once the blame wasn't placed on us as it usually is. Awesome job! I love your poetry. (/rant/ By the way you used the word "uncouth" which is awesome because I've never seen it used well outside the context of an english book... I'm a nerd give me a break../end rant)

  • this is great... good poem, and so true...

  • 19 years ago

    by Becky drake

    Very good poem. It makes me sad as a parent of two grown children, but you are so right. I used to tell the parents this stuff, and they just didn't listen. There are so many problems in our world today, and its not the youths or teenagers fault, its the parents that work to make the almighty dollar and drive the fancy cars but they leave the kids at home alone, to fiqure out life. Well its not working they have more money, but their spending it on funerals, rehabs, and aa meetings,. It sucks, but maybe your generation can change this, when you have your children, make a difference, and spread the word with your great talent. God gave you the ability to write the way you do, so go for it, go world wide sweetie, put the word out. I believe in you, and I'm sure gonna keep reading . You are a 10/10 writer, you make the reader feel like they are in the room, and what ever is happening in your words is happening in their minds, thats good....spread the word, and please know I think you are an awesom writer. If you have time read mine, an let me know what you think,I will valure your opinion...Thanks Becky

  • 19 years ago

    by Tainted Beauty

    Wow Kaitlin that was amasing:)

  • 18 years ago

    by bleed4eternity

    Wow what a powerful closing stanza
    i loved it!

  • 18 years ago

    by Michael D Nalley

    Powerful piece of work here

  • 18 years ago

    by Jamica

    Very real i like this poem.

  • 15 years ago

    by XxLonelyLovexX

    I know exactly what u mean by this! My parents get home around 7 or 8 and when I have school I get home around 3:30 then when they do get home they are always too worried about house work or stuff for them to notice anything! I've stumbled infront of my dad w/ red eyes and all he could say was "I have to go finish this up will you get out my way" didn't even notice my sister had a belly ring until 6 months after she got it done... They pay no attention at all and then when we do get in trouble they cuss us out like crazy and tell us how horrible we are but never think maybe we wouldn't be this way if we had someone to talk to instead... Then I have friends whose parents don't get home until 11 or 12 and when their parents do get home they can straight up tell them "man I'm so messed up" and all their parents will do is complain how they've had a long day and all they want is sleep and they'll talk about w.e. In the morning... But it seems to me like morning never comes for most....