
by cum n get me !!!!! lol   Dec 3, 2004

Imagine you're 5 yrs old and you're attending your first bonfire night,
You're standing next to the shed watching the fireworks go up in all sorts of colours,

The warm, bright bonfire keeps you warm in the far corner of the garden,

Your dad comes over to get a new lot of fireworks from the shed and asks if you're ok,
You smile and wait for him to set off the next lot,

Next thing you know the sheds gone up in flames; the fire is spreading and you can't find a way out. You start to panic,
theres no way out.

You're surrounded and on your own,
the flames are growing and covering the grass around you,
You run into the shed to hide and curl up in a corner behind a wall of boxes hoping that you'll survive and see mum again,

Your parents watch and shout for you to get out the shed,
Why should you it seems safe enough so you stay put,
Theres a bang and the sky is filled with lights,

Everyone gasps
The shed is no longer there.

You got to be a part of bonfire night after all


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  • 20 years ago

    by cum n get me !!!!! lol

    workin on a new 1 at the moment. hopin 2 type it up in a few days

  • 20 years ago

    by Lushed

    that was sooo good! keep it up!
    it was like, sad and kinda dark, but it told a story. i love it!!

    <3 jenny

  • sheesh u rite spooky stuf! i like it!

  • 20 years ago

    by SammiBABY

    Thats sad! I like it though!
    I especially like this part:
    "Next thing you know the sheds gone up in flames; the fire is spreading and you can't find a way out. You start to panic,
    theres no way out."
    Keep it up

  • 20 years ago

    by cum n get me !!!!! lol

    It isn't as good as my other poem but i wrote this one before and thought it would be a good idea to put yourself in some one elses shoes. hope you like it