No One But You

by *K~L~C*   Dec 3, 2004

Slowly I am drowning
Drowning in my own sorrow
For your love
I can't wait til tomorrow

You could lift me up just by saying hi
One smile would make it all worthwhile

Even through all the pain you cause
Your girl is who I want to be
For your love I will pay any fee
My love is what I want you to see

I have been patiently waiting
Waiting for my turn
For my thoughts to be told
Thoughts that are so deep
Waiting for this "just a fantasy" to become reality
For me to be with you

I will be invisible
As long as I am visible to you

My thoughts of you make me smile
Smile as if I have never smiled before
To you I want my tears to pour
But I want this to be more
More than just a friendship

I want you to quench my thirst
So I can fulfill you hunger

I want your kiss to make my lips quiver
I want your touch to make my body shiver
I want you to take me where I have never been
Make me feel feelings I have never felt
Kiss me where no one has kissed
Touch me where no one has touched

Make my dreams come true
And I will love no one but you


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  • 17 years ago

    by pLeASeTakEMyHeArT

    Lovable one! I really love this. Gotten my heart pounding like perfect a moment to read this. This is going to add on my favo poems! 5/5!