Take me away and let me die

by selina   Dec 4, 2004

Slit my wrist
let me bleed
let me see my blood flow
symbolizing all the pain
others are feeling
but soon wont
for we will all die someday
but first
take me away
take the pain
i don't deserve to live
to live in this world
filled with hatred
filled with crime
evil monsters walking around
killing, deceiving
watching the world go by
watching it crumble in my presence
only to be stuck in corner
a corner of corruption or love
let me suffer
for all those who do wrong
let me be the one
the one who takes the pain
my whole world ending
so others can be happy
erase me from this world
don't let me come back
to this hell on earth
let me live in the real hell
the one in which misery and dispair is bred
where pain is not only a word
but how you live
where you suffer everyday
counting the minutes
until it starts again
daily reminders of what you've done
all of this for others
so they can live happy lives
so they can rejoice in their souls
their image of happiness
become their reality
so THEY can be happy
and think nothing
and know nothing
of what I've done for them
let THEM be happy
so they can be selfish
and ruin this already loathsome world
but i will know
i did something right
so they can die
and take my place
take my place in hell
and let me finally be mirthful
finally, it is my turn
because i always knew
knew the world would always be
a deceiving, selfish, and ungratified place
for that is why i love it
relying on it to be unreliable
but still letting me
do what i had to do
to die for it
but remorse for what i did
for euphoria is what everyone desires


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  • 20 years ago

    by Below Average

    I love this poem. Good job

  • 20 years ago

    by Knight_of_Blackrose

    Wow that poem was really powerful. I was confused, and then i realized I was supposed to be. The confusion and conflicting statements makes it really open to interpretaion, which is awesome.... it makes you think about how you relate to the poem in a more personal way.... Loved it, keep it up!

  • 20 years ago

    by selina

    i just wanted to clear one thing up about this oem, it really doesn't have anything to with suicide or cutting, it's a very symbbolic poem, symbolising how cruel and awful this world is and you really can't do much about it.

  • 20 years ago

    by selina

    thankyou for your coments

  • 20 years ago

    by Kaitlin Kristina

    You commented on my poem "Fall," this one is alot like it. I think this is good, I enjoyed it alot. It is unclear in many ways and thats what makes it good. Most poems describe everything and close every possible door or window of imagination that the reader can assume or add anything. You didnt, you left it pretty open and I really enjoyed that. Great job, I am going to check out more.
    With love, K. Kristina