You broke my heart.

by Rachel   Dec 4, 2004

A tear goes down my eye
A tear from a broken heart
I thought you cared about me.
I thought you loved me.
I guess i was wrong
to fall for a man like you
I never let a man get to me
I always had a line
No one could cross
But somehow you went past it
And you broke what i had left

I gave you my heart
You took it
And crushed it
With all you could
You told me how much you loved me
Then the next day,
You ditch me
My friends tell you
"How could you do that to her, shes you girlfriend."

You turn your back on me, and say to the worst words you could possibly say
"shes not my f-cking girlfriend, shes not even my girl"
Those words made my heart break
Made me get a knife.
Made me wish i was never born.

I wish there was something I could do.
You did a gruesome thing
You made me heart bleed and sink.
I close my eyes.
And i hope they never open again.


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  • 19 years ago

    by HeAvENLy UniQue

    Don't ever give up in life just because a damn guy. There are so many guys in this world, so many bastards, so many liars, so many cheaters, so many of the no good ones... don't ever let go just because one of those kind do you wrong. Remember, what doesnt kill you makes you stronger. Represent for us ladies, ~you don't mind and they don't matter!!!!!