The Eyes In the Picture

by Bryce Ellner   Dec 4, 2004

As I stood gazing up at a picture
Losing myself in it's marvel
I began to get the feeling
That the picture itself was looking back.
With cold brownin' eyes
That held no emotion
No fear, no faith, no unsettleing pride
Only blank, crystallized, uncaring eyes.
Time seems to have a way
Of making all things fade.
As were these eyes staring down
Into forgotten hope and sadness
There are no significance to these words
Only blatant thoughts of a babbling fool
Something an old man should have said sooner.
And something a younger man should say now
Words are but words
They'll soon only be a memory
Only a simple story
About someone who lost his faith
Whatever the future holds
There'll always be sorrow
And with every drop of sorrow
A lost soul to hold it.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Bryce Ellner

    Well I'm on, I'm off. Never really here, never really there, you know how it goes. Thanks for the comment ^_^


  • 20 years ago

    by vanessarrr

    great piece! it's very deep in one way but clear and obvious in another. sorry if i just commented tonight. keep writing. take care:)

  • wow spooky! its very well written I like the picture that it makes my mind form... does that make sense,...god i'm hyper tonight....anyway back to the point....I like it- a 5. easily.

  • 20 years ago

    by bianca

    like always great poem, keep on writing.