The wrong way

by Rachel   Dec 5, 2004

Let me tell you a story
About this girl I knew
Who always took things the wrong way.
People would be sarcastic
And tell her shes ugly
She took it the wrong way
And cried herself to sleep

Someone told her she needed to get a life.
She took it the wrong way
That night she got a razor and started making scars that would last forever on her arm.
She sheened her wounded tears onto her pillow
She hated her life, but she always took things the wrong way

Then someone told her she needed to die.
She really took it the wrong way
That night
She thought about it
She tip toed to her kitchen
got a pen and paper
Wrote a note for why she took her life
Then she found a rope
She went out to her front yard
And tied the rope to her neck and to the branch she just needed to pull on it to kill her
And so she did.

That next morning
Her mother found her dead daughter, and the note beneath her
She picked it up and read all the words

"Dear momma,
I didn't mean for it to end this way I wish i could have said good bye, someone told me i needed to die, and so i did. I hope you aren't mad I hope you still love me.
Your dead daughter"

Tears ran down her mothers eyes.
She knew why
She lost her daughter
She always took things
The wrong way.

~I wrote this because..Jokes can be overrated, and this was to make a point that some jokes can go to far.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Knoxy

    very emotional...and a wonderful poem...jokes can be overrated...thatz a really good poem...take care and keep up the good work! luv alwayz knoxy