Drowning in My Mind

by xeag   Dec 5, 2004

You mean so much to me thats why its hurts that you don't trust me, it hurts that you cant just tell me whats wrong you say you need to think things through before you tell anyone but it hurts so bad that you cant tell me now why cant you just let me into your life? why cant you just let me be a part of you like i have let you be a part of me. you say that i you trust me but just not enough to tell me whats bothering you, but is that really trust? i respect your decision not to tell me because its personal but it bothers me that you keep things we've been friends for 16 years not one thing have i keep from you, why cant you just understand that its all because i love you? your my best friend and your always there for me but thats the thing i want to be there for you but you wont let me i feel like its a one way relationship like sometimes i just care more but you say its not that but you just cant say what it is i love you so much please let me into your life and let me be the one you turn to... i love you theres just nothing more to say these are the only words that i think or when i see you when i feel your warmth i love you, I LOVE YOU! just let me be there for you! i always will be just let me know whats wrong and i'll do my best to try to fix it


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  • 20 years ago

    by Leah20

    This doesn't really seem like a poem to me. More like a note to someone. My suggestion is that you put it in a different format, and not just one paragraph. Also capitilize your I's