Hero (p14)

by ♥x__Pwincess danii//   Dec 5, 2004

**HERO P14**

I admit i would do the same
as you too
i admit a s*** best friend
is what i have been to you

I've been searching for a hero
all of my life
at first i assumed the
hero was the knife

but the thing i didn't realize
is that the hero is full of care
the thing i didn't realize is that
in front of me my hero was there

you were standing in front of me
all this time,all along
i thought my hero was Janine
but i was wrong

how can some one save me
if they can't save their own life?
how can someone save me if her
bestie is the knife

no its too clear now
too clear to see
that my hero was you
my bestie

i said please don't follow
because i love you so
i said stay because
happiness is all you'll know

if you die as
i have done
i know you are showing
your love to someone

that someone is me
the lose that cried
me the over weight b****
that died

Jana the reason i didn't come
yo you first is because i didn't want you scared
then i realized after that if i told
you, you would be there

so i am telling you this from
a best friend, to a best friend
i love you to death
and want you there till the end

i hope as you read this
tears you will shed
because the tears
are showing you are my best friend

your tears will be a sign
that you accept to be my hero
your tears will show that you can
handle being the first to know

i know for a fact when i
read your poem i cried
i cried more from your poem than
from wen my dads friend died

because no-one loves you
more than me
i love Jana my hero
and my bestie

i can't believe i am crying
as i write these words now
the tears are filling up my eyes
because to live i don't know how

my mum thinks i am a s***
and a s*** is what u will be
but promise you
will still love me

i hate to be held to such expectations
to be perfect in every way
i hate to have uptight parents
and not have a say

everything is my life has
been poured down the drain
there is one thing now
that keeps me sane

that person is you
my hero my best friend



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