Youll make it

by jescelle   Dec 5, 2004

To Ellie (deadnalone)

i know you think that death is the only way out,
and so does your boy,
but somethings you need to let be,
your life is not a toy.

please think about it,
we love you, you don't REALLY want to leave,
but your sadness pulls you down,
and if you die, for you i will grieve.

as my best friend says,
your gonna do what your gonna do,
but please don't hurt us anymore
theres people here who love you.

i know its hard to see,
but there is a way out for you other than this,
its hard to conceive,
but someday will be bliss.

you just have to see the forest for the trees,
see what you have,
see what you need,
see something that isn't really that bad.

we love you Ellie,
what would i do without my email buddy?
so please, please,
don't make your wrists to bloody.

I'm not telling you to stop,
I'm not asking you to quit,
because for you Ellie,
all this hurt is not it.

we all love you ell, don't quit being you OK?


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  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    nopes i cant email from school. that sucks too. hehe but i loves ya soo much. and i'm really doing well at the moment...until i go home that is. but still i'm enjoying this happiness! hehe, wells i gotta go bell is ringin!

  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    you are such a wonderful person, jescelle!! i love you bunchies!! hehe, i'm in the best mood!!! theres this guy who likes me...and i'm so excited cuz i like him too. eek! i'm so nervous and i dont know why. hehe, i love you gotsta go...buh byes!!!

  • 19 years ago

    by jescelle

    o i c, you said mate and i just figured...hahahahah oh well thanks hun!

  • 19 years ago

    by deadnalone

    :D thanks jes! that rocks babe but the whole suicidey thing wasnt wiv him sum1 else.