It was just a one night thing.[true story]

by Rachel   Dec 5, 2004

I remember the first time we met
I looked into your eyes
And i knew i fell in love with you before i met you.
Your dark brown hair
Your wonderful smile

I never thought that would happen to someone like me
But i knew you were the one.
Or at least I thought you were.

You came and sat by me
And talked to me, and we didn't separate that whole night.
I really began to feel something i never felt before.

I think I fell in love with you.
But i still wasn't sure.
I thought you felt something for me too
I thought we had something.
But I guess it was just a one night thing.

By the end of the night
You asked me for my cell phone number.
I gave it to you
You said you would call me, and never did.
But you did call
But you just hung up.

I didn't know it was you
So i called back, and you were busy.
I guess i was nothing to you.
Tears fell down my eyes
And it felt like a knife went through my soul.

I called you once
You remembered me by the girl from last Saturday.
My friends said to keep trying.
So I called you once more
You were busy.
I guess I'm still nothing to you

We haven't talked sense
But i still have your number on my cell.
I wait for it to ring
When maybe you would realize you like me..
But i don't think your feelings exist.
Or maybe in reality.
I don't exist in your eyes.

-True story. I haven't talked to him in a month..So i think he doesn't remember me..Should i call him, or just forget about him?


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  • 20 years ago

    by jennifer

    This was a very heartfelt poem, I really enjoyed the read.

  • 20 years ago

    by BriAnna

    awesome poem and i'ev had the same kind of thing happen to me. forget him, he's just a waste of time. there's pleanty more boys out there to make you just as happy (or more!) good luck