Everybody promises
But there never meant
unless there coming from the heart!
Well I found a guy that was different
he made me smile he made me laugh he ALSO made me mad
but we got through it.
he told me that if I was to stay true to him he would stay true to me
from that day on I knew he would be tha first guy to never break my heart
I was right but i was tha one gurl who broke his heart
now i realize that a few lines can be tha end of a beautiful relationship
I would do anything I would give up everything to take them few lines back!
I never meant to brake his heart
This I promise You!
Tha whole time we were together we had good times and we had Bad times
But tha Good times Is what I remember tha most.
\\\"Good Times\\\" were Heaven Moments
tha ones that will alwayz be in my heart
I hope we can have them Heaven Moments once more!
Now I want to ask you
\\\"Do you love me as much as I\\\'m love you?
\\\"Did I ever cross your mind when we weren\\\'t together?
\\\"Did you ever miss me when you were alone?
\\\"I did\\\"
This I promise You!
I don\\\'t care what everybody tells you
i have alwayz been true to you
and it okay if you don\\\'t believe me
I understand why you wouldn\\\'t believe me.
And now babe,
as I lay here in bed cryin these tears
I want to tell you that
This I promise You!