
by I Have the Sweetest Man Ever!   Dec 5, 2004


I can't believe you;
you did it again.

You cheated on me with her;
when is this all going to end?

When I heard,
I just couldn't believe.

I love you so much,
but this love you just can't achieve.

You told her you loved her,
and kissed her, too.

I truly believed you when you said,
"That's not something I would want to do."

I cried till 2:00;
I cried till 4:00.

Our love will never last,
if you keep opening that door.

The door you shouldn't open,
the one to let others in.

You should be with only me;
you're supposed to be my boyfriend.

You're supposed to love me,
and supposed to care.

You hurting me like this
just isn't fare.

I love you with all my heart;
you're the on for me.

Am I the one for you,
or is this the way it has to be?

Bubba, you have to pick;
you have to choose.

I love you more than anything in this world,
and if you don't pick me, then everything you will lose.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Just me

    I have no intentions of fighting..But i have a small sugestion to this poem...The very last line that reads "everything you will lose"... I think it would sound so much better if you wrote "everything I will lose" It flows better with the poem.. Well check out mine and see if you think you have any suggestions...Laters!