Fears with a Darkness....

by ChildofGod87   Dec 6, 2004


Fears with a darkness
..A darkness that haunts you upon sadness to evil
How can one live with the fear?
How can oneself be brought to a freedom of life?
How can you take control over your fear that's
haunting your soul like a hostage?
So, many thoughts going around our minds...
Worries that could make us sick...
I look into my heart and I feel like crying,
Cuz of fears that's within me...
Especially when worries come...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Andrea

    wow...i love this. i'm not sure if i can describe the emotion i felt as i was reading this but it was powerful. amazing job!

  • 19 years ago

    by Kaitlin Kristina

    Wow girl, you have alot of poems! I am going to check out a few of them. This is a very passive and non-traditional poem. I like it alot, it makes you think.
    With love, K Kristina