Fate is nothing...

by SplitSided   Dec 7, 2004

We first met on a Saturday night.
When that happened I knew it was right.
I knew you were the one for me.
And I knew we were meant to be.
I haven't felt that good in awhile.
I liked how you made me smile.
The meeting was breif.
When you left I was scared but you gave me your address and that was a relief.
I told you that I'd be here for you.
And if there was anything I could do.
I'd be right there for anything.
I'd be right there for everything.
We danced all night.
And that right there showed some light.
That light was created by a spark.
But when you left my light went dark.
Now we talk and that's it.
And I have to admit.
As much as I want you in my arms to hold.
And that love will never grow old.
But I'll hold that secret close.
It's that secret that I hold.
So I wait to see what time will bring.
Because to me fate is nothing...


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