
by Jane   Dec 7, 2004

I'm all alone,
no one can hear my cry,
people don't see me,
they just walk straight by.

My life is a hole,
needed to be filled,
but it won't,
it never will.

I lay the knife down,
thinking about what to do,
should i end it,
but what will it prove.

I'm so weak,
so tired to try,
to argue against,
the trials i can't fight.

The door swings open,
i see my mum,
tears in her eyes,
she still mourns.

The end of my life,
she took it so hard.

I know what i did,
was so wrong,
but the pain i was feeling,
was so strong.

My life has ended,
please don't cry.

Just look around,
at the people you see,
and help them,
like no one helped me.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Michael

    Someone who knows me! Plz don't commit suicide! I can't live without someones poetry as good as this! :'(

  • 20 years ago

    by Mark Hopwood

    Wow nice poem, in a sad way if you know what i mean, i've felt like that so many times, keep the faith babe ;)

  • 20 years ago

    by Jane


  • 20 years ago

    by loosing grip

    hold on girl :)

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