T ime seems to have dragged too long
H appy memories are gone
I cannot keep you strong
R idiculing myself for being wrong
T hinking I was clever, but you were the one
Y ou were the one
P olice rang me at five past four
I in the morning, a knock at the door
L istening to the radio
L iars, I name them, I never heard you go
S o quickly and quietly
A nd in a state of panic, I call your home
N o one’s there to pick up the phone
D amn the answer to be left at the tone
A ll though you won’t call back, I leave a message
B ecause of everything you do
O lder memories are new
T ruths and fantasies in my head
T ook to life, before you left
L eaving me with shattered faith
E ver to remember your perfect face
O f times with you I shall not forget
F orget the way we kissed or when we met
V ideos, photos and thoughts of you
O pen my heart, leave it blue
D oes pain feel fake, and yet it’s true
K eep telling myself I haven’t lost you
A nd hope I never do.