The Last Remarks Of Love And Hate

by TruLif3   Dec 8, 2004

Its day through the window but the inside is so dark, all I need is something to give me a spark/ I know that’s dumb but you probably felt the same, that living single now and days is lame/ well I found that girl but is it to good to be true, or is this like another relation a BIG FLUKE/ I’m to scared to ask what if the answers a turn down, then ill still be left with that same sad frown/ it hurts because the one u love probably doesn’t even love u back, well this is the last poem you’ll hear from Zacc/ see because I’m tired of being the ugliest guy in the room, and I definitely hate being the joke in every classroom/a lot of girl say they want a guy that’s so sweet, and I tried lifting weights a lot because they said they wanted an athlete/ now I hear girls want themselves a thug, well I cant be everything, I’m not the dirt you put under your rug/when am I going to be respected for the person that I am, and not the person that you want me to be/ then you wonder what’s wrong wit me all the time, since when has being yourself been a crime/ and then a monster in my mind starts to form and create/ create what you think a suicidal person would do, but u know what I don’t care this is me so screw u/ I aren’t writing this to make u say aw, I’m writing this to tell u words that wont come out my jaw/


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