
by Avellana   Dec 8, 2004

For money? You do this for money!
I’m lie-ing in the blood of my family
My children, the spawn of the sea
My side is cut open; I’ll not be here long
But don’t think you’ve seen the last of me

For I’ll always be there, at the back of your mind
The knowledge you’ll forever endure-
What you own will never be yours
For while you may have bought it, it was never earned

People say we have no feelings
But how you never will know
The emotion, that runs through our bodies
At the sight of a spear in our newborns

Or an illness in our family
That started a tale of love
Of sorrow, but also hope
Between an Auntie and her cub

He fought for every breath
Was sickly, contagious and weak
But instead of leaving him alone to die
Travelled far to the nearest peak

And while she waited for his last breath
He knew he’d never be alone
For the love between our family
Far outstretches yours and your own

Later she rejoined her family
Alive and well, they began to mourn
But she knew that he was grateful
And cherished her life more than before

So while you sit there in your life of luxury
Think of the blood you spilled
The lives that you took, that never were yours
The ones that you ordered killed

And while my life is dwindling
The fire extinguished from my eyes
My soul will live forever
In the remembrance of our lives

This is a true story, I’m a member of Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and this was in a leaflet. A calf was dieing from a contagious disease and even though the Auntie may have contracted the disease, she took him away from the herd and stayed with him.


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  • 20 years ago

    by paperdoll

    Hey Avellana, you sound pretty cool, hoorah for the veggie with wiccan tendancies ("hoorah!" see?).

    I enjoyed this poem, it had a really powerful opeing verse and a horrendously sad theme. It's so great that you have a strong social concience. Keep up the good poetry.


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