
by jessie keel   Dec 8, 2004

How will we be judged when it is over,on the way we lived our life with passion with Malays did
we protect the Innocent or exploit the venerable will the next world reflect our behavior here
rewarding the moral and condemning the wicked. is there actually life after death or are the memories
we create here the only after life surrendering our fate to those we left behind and if there is a
place we go after this who will be waiting at the other side a cow less judge a ruthless jury a
merciless executioner how will we justify our conduct defend our actions pay for our miss deeds
or will we be welcomed unconditionally for the hell we have already endued. the questions are endless
and nothing is certain but for now there is one guarantee judgment day is upon as.


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  • 18 years ago

    by **!BrOkEn!**

    Hey this is real good i loved it

  • 19 years ago

    by kye


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