
by Cimara   Dec 8, 2004

Yesterday I was so sad,
A thousand tears I cried
But I couldn’t help it,
No matter how hard I tried

I tried not to let you see me
Coz I didn’t want you to fret
I felt so humiliated
And now I’m filled with regret.

Because I know that everyone gets depressed,
And we have all had a bad day
But I don’t want to blow my cover
And make you think I’m not okay.

Cos it’s not just one day,
That went so horribly bad.
Its seems to be lots of days
That are making me so sad

But I Can’t let you know this,
You can’t know how I feel
Cos I figure no matter how hard you tried
You could never make my wounds heal

And while it’s not your fault,
That I feel the way I do
Telling you would make you sad,
And I don’t want to worry you

For so long I have kept this mask
And forced onto my face a smile
I forget the last time it was genuine
But i know it's been a while

Though I hide from you,
The demons inside my head
They are still with me
And haunt me while I’m in bed

Sometimes I think that I am drowning
And there is no one who can help me
I don’t want to be chained anymore
All I want, is to be free…


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  • 20 years ago

    by Cimara

    Thanks Kaitlin, thanks so much it maens a lot!! xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Cimara

    Thanks Kaitlin, thanks so much it maens a lot!! xxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Kaitlin Kristina

    This is beautiful girl. Keep writing, I want to read more of your work, If you ever need to talk I am here.
    With love, K Kristina

  • 20 years ago

    by Avellana

    Amazing! *speechless*