Torn apart...

by SplitSided   Dec 9, 2004

I wish you could understand what I did.
But you can't because you 2 were just kids.
Losing you 2 girls were my only fears.
When you left I wish I could wipe away your tears.
Mommy wasn't always there for us.
But you 2 were always enough.
To keep me smiling.
You to kept me alive to see what time will bring.
I'm sorry we didn't always have a mother.
But I'll take care of you because I'm your older brother.
I will always be here.
I want to make that clear.
No matter what is said and done.
In my life and eyes you 2 have been number one.
3 kids that had nothing but eachother.
3 kids growing up without a mother.
They were always getting drunk.
In my eyes mommy sunk.
She couldn't keep us.
In my eyes that wasn't enough.
So for you I had to be tough.
But I never see you anymore.
I think of you and these tears drop to the floor.
All I wanted was to be with you both.
All I want is to keep our memory close.
I want to be with you both again.
I dream of us now and then.
My 2 younger sisters are all grown up.
The time I spend with you isn't enough.
I love you 2 with all my heart.
It killed me when we were torn apart...


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