Lonely Days..

by ChildofGod87   Dec 9, 2004

Trying to became happy
and smile to everyone!!!
But can you do that?
Yeah, you could
if your tricky enough!?!

So miserable...
So evil...
That the only thing
you want to do is cry
or feel that "No One Cares"!
Why should we cry,
and feel "Weak"?
A lot of people try to work
their loneliness out of they're mind,
but they should know it just temperately!

Sweet tears would be cuz of the feels
that oneself is expressing!
Lonely tears would be cuz of what
they're going through right now
and can't talk about it..
Just cry out!!!

~!~Hey everyone, thanks for reading this poem! I really appreciate it:p.. Plz comment/rate! God Bless!~!~


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  • 19 years ago

    by HeAvENLy UniQue

    "Just cry out" ~ yup... I've been feeling like the only thing I want to do is cry. I get what your saying... :(
