
by Tanya, Mom of one.   Dec 9, 2004

The first time I laid eyes on him,
He was " a gift for women"...
A teaser, a pleaser, and if you may,
A somewhat "God Given".

He came to where I worked one night,
Only to blind me with charm...
And on that night I left with him,
Thinking he'd do no harm.

That was about 6 years ago,
And since then, God what I've learned.
The pain he inflicted on me,
In my heart with forever burn.

He turned out to be the worst mistake,
I could have ever made,
And I think he tried his damndest,
To put me in my grave.

He took away my self esteem,
He took away my pride,
He took away most of my friends,
And in my family, I wasn't to confide.

I had to ask his permission,
In everything I did.
"Don't speak unless spoken to!"
And in his shadows I hid.

I was not to have an opinion,
I was to do as I was told,
Sometimes he even acted as if,
I was a 5 year old.

He beat me till I was black and blue,
And still I stood by his side,
It was my stupidity,
For jumping back on "his ride."

I got pregnant, and he bailed,
Just what I had guessed,
The only good thing that came out of him,
Is my daughter, and for that I am blessed.

He is a piece of shit in my eyes,
But it was then, he kicked me out.
"I don't want a child right now!"
I can still hear him shout.

That was the blessing in disguise,
My chance to get out, or to stay.
I'm glad I left, because theres no telling.....
What misery I'd be living today.

Easy come, and easy go....
But if they look charming at first?
Step back and check, because he might be,
The Devil...At his WORST!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Kristin

    gosh i swear we have the same babies dads lmfdao!