
by Terri Lynn   Dec 9, 2004

Sit around me children as I tell you a tale
Of a world that once was, but wouldn't prevail
Where peace and tranquility flooded this place
But was soon corrupted by the human race

People are loud, and constantly talk
Even the blind and the deaf and the ones that can't walk
Children are bringing weapons to school
They come to class high because someone said it was cool

The poor and the homeless are broke cause of booz
A Mexican is there, discriminating a Jew.
The rich are snorting crack off there platinum plated sinks
Imagine what a hooker on you street corner thinks

Now listen closely everyone because what I say is true
People are ignorant, selfish and we know it too
Be aware that we are, for you can't help the fact
We've been corupted, and we just can't help that.


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  • 19 years ago

    by Joni-Beth

    Hey T.L! im not sure how offten you check your pomes any more, but i like this one. and i miss hanging out with you. we have to hang out some time soon, i hope you still write pomes, cause you are an amazing writer! i still love you!! byeee *kisses*

  • 20 years ago

    by Joni-Beth

    Terri I hope you know how amazing you are. This poem is awesome, and its just how it is!! I love you and all your poems! I look forword to reading more!!! tah tah xoxox your friend: Joni-Beth

  • 20 years ago

    by Live Love Laugh

    wow .. tahts all .. wow