What I Let You See... And What's Inside

by Angel Sanctuary ©   Dec 10, 2004

You think I’m happy
You think I’m all jokes and games
My childish character you read right into
And you can’t get past my humor

Everyone has done the same
Assumed I was fine because I smiled the most
Can’t get past my laughter and my jokes
You’ll never see who I am inside

A person wasting her life away
Waiting for something…. Waiting for anything
A girl with a dark heart trying to make things right
But never getting anything right

I laugh the loudest to cover all my cries
I smile the most so you won’t see my scars
I make so many jokes so you won’t ask me why
I try the most so others think I know what’s best

You and everyone has believed that mirror image
Of a happy person that knows no pain
I have acted so much that sometimes I believe it
But then I feel the pain and the hunger inside

The child in me cries out in pain
Telling me to “stop playing games
One day this mirror will brake
What then?”

What then?
Maybe… Finally all those who miss read me
Will understand why I tried to help them so much
By helping you maybe I can finally help myself

….. Since everyone can only see my mirrored image


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  • 20 years ago

    by ~*Snow queen~*

    this is a great poem, i feel exactly like this sometimes. and you said it well. so keep it up! i gave it a 5. take care and stay strong.

  • 20 years ago

    by Ashley

    Great poem, can so relate as I am sure most people can. 5/5 keep it up!

  • 20 years ago

    by Not Bulletproof

    Great poem love...hope you're alright....love you xxxxxx <33 marvelous write...


  • 20 years ago

    by courtney

    o im so sorry. please be happy for real. the reason i started talking to you is because u were so sad. i was doing the same thing. maybe by talking to you i could help myself. but you ended up helping me so its my turn to help you and be there for you. hope u feel better. e-mail me... feel better

  • 20 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    heartfelt poem...from ur recent poems i have come to know that ur in some trouble...hope ur able to come out of this depression soon...take care and keep smiling...FIVE>>>

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