You say

by ScarletHaze   Dec 10, 2004

You say you love me
But that is only so can destroy me
You say I mean everything to you
So why are you always trying to hurt me?

You say we're meant to be together
So why do I always see you with her
You say you would do anything for me
When you don't even trust me
How do you lie to me so easily?
When no matter how hard i try
I can never lie to you

You try to consume me in your web of lies
The truth disappearing further away
Until it's all gone
And all that remains is deceit.

I fell for your pathetic facade
Convinced we had a future
Just as that poor girl is now
Just as everyone always does

It seems I am the only one who can really see you
For what you really are
A monster from hell
Not the sweet innocent angel everyone else believes

You tell everyone yo love me
But you just can't trust me
When in reality our roles are reversed
And it's you that can't be trusted.

Maybe when I am gone
The truth shall be revealed
That you aren't the victim here
You're the one that drives me to the blade!


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  • 18 years ago

    by Ruthie

    Oh hun thats a really good poem!!! fantastic 4 a first!!! *hugs*

  • 18 years ago

    by Poetvoices

    Everyone in our club is a GREAT poet and always has been. My first poems suck! Why only me? lol! :D

  • 19 years ago

    by James

    Beautiful poem I hope this didn't happened to you if it did I am sorry once again wonderful poem 5/5 lov ya :) always

  • 20 years ago

    by ScarletHaze

    thank u hun xxxxxxx

  • 20 years ago

    by Fighter (Ariane L.)

    wow... once again, beautiful. i hope this never happened to u, if it did, im really sorry... anyways, amazing poem.

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