Horror Thrice

by ntv650   Dec 10, 2004

The love can’t come quick enough,
And the way it drags and drains my life,

So much power so much lust
Confused by the answers

Only I know how much Ive been cheated
And how it is never enough


It tears and rips apart inside me
Leaving behind an illusion that tricks you

No idea what I am supposed to actually be
A monster, a lie, a human being

Passed by, I missed it all without having enough
Past defeated, so quick, so tough


Tasting the adrenaline as it pumps and breathes
My heart pacing to the sound of life

Lost in the meaning of who you are
Asking to have it repeated

Everything out of sight and out of mind
Reality take my hand and rip me out...


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  • 19 years ago

    by Lauraballz


    Just lookin through your poems, nice to see there are some new ones that are different from the usual! Lol, I did say change ain't always bad!!

    Am a little confused about the meaning of this poem, but I do like it!! I like the way that this poem has a title that relates to the layout of the poem; Thrice - Three stanza's. :D

    See? I ain't just a pretty face! ;)

    Now where's my brownie?!?! Lol, I MEAN IT!!! I BETTA GET ONE!!! :P

    Love as always,


  • 19 years ago

    by ntv650

    Like this poem because it's actualy entirely different style to my others, so comments appreciated more than usual. First one to comments wins brownie :D