Why did you do this to me

by Andrea   Dec 10, 2004

Why did you do this to me?
Can you tell me please,
I can't stop thinking about you,
You have no clue,
You are stuck to me like glue.

I think I have feelings for you,
Its so hard not to think about you,
I know I blew it,
You used me,
Why did you pick me?

I dont know who ended this,
But I know who gave me my frist kiss...

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  • 20 years ago

    by ChildofGod87

    Awwww I'm sry what happened! I hope your ok? I have a question for you? Do you believe in Angels? ... Cuz I do, and I think that Angel(s) would try to take some of your pain and sadness away!!! But if you don't then don't listen to me! God Bless! *5/5* Keep on writing!

    -check some of my poems if you get the chance-

  • 20 years ago

    by ~DarkAngel~

    sweet stuff

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