
by Ten Feet Tall   Dec 11, 2004

In the doctor’s office,
I was told,
Because of this condition,
I may never grow old.

I would probably die,
If it went untreated.
Death crept upon me,
And I wanted to cheat it.

Possibilities came,
Then floated away in the air.
You see the only way to beat it,
Was by losing my hair.

What will others think,
When they see a bald headed me?
Won’t they understand?
Won’t they see?

I’m still the same person,
That I was before.
Some things are missing,
But I just won a war.


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  • 20 years ago

    by krystle

    good poem,i had cancer check my poem if u want

  • 20 years ago

    by Ten Feet Tall

    First off, thanks for the comments. Second off, I guess I need to say that I'm not in remission...because I never had cancer. This is just something I wrote when there was the possibility of me having it. So I just needed to clear that up for you guys. :)

    Ten Feet Tall

  • 20 years ago

    by Cantchangeme

    Congratulations on winning your war, I know people who lost it, Im glad you are in remission, This is a really touching poem. excellent

  • 20 years ago

    by Kia

    great poem, sad, but awesome, i know ppl who have had cancer sum made it other were jus to old and to weak to fight it, great job