I'm going to sing the Doom song now.

by Missing Angel Juan   Dec 11, 2004

A myriad of green people
Beautiful and dying
Moving quick as if time
Were to eat them up
And they share nothing
Except the little glass rose
In the middle of the room
When the twlefth spell rains
On their heartless parade


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  • 19 years ago


    Honestly, you're such a good writer that I'm just reading ALL your stuff over, over and over again. Still stunned by your talent, dear. Keep it up.

  • 20 years ago

    by Flea

    i like it mate wicked poem

  • 20 years ago

    by goot

    very true how people only care a this time of year... its like they are told to be so artificial because they believe in their fellow citizens artiicial happiness and dont want to ruin it... christmas shows us what people aren't...

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