The Broken Vows

by LoUIse   Dec 11, 2004

I thought you were my friend
A thought that our friendship will never end
But you messed me up
Leaving me with a pain you caused
It hurts much, if you only know
You promised me that you will never leave me
You promised me you'll always be there
When I feel all alone
Always there when I need you
Always there when I have problems
But where are you now?
You left me those broken vows
Why did you promise me all those things
If your promise is untrue
What kind of friend are you?
I've treated you so special
Why did you do this to me
I've never been so mean to you
I've never been so unfaithful to you
Broken vows...
Broken friendship...
Broken faith...
Broken trust...
It hurts so much...

*This is for my ex- friend
I thought I can trust her but I was wrong... But I want to thank her because she became my friend once in my life...


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  • 20 years ago

    by Paula

    this is great i love it. whos needs friends when they just set out to hurt you?