I Am To Blame

by juss an allycat   Dec 12, 2004

A part of me will always want you
I know I always will
For there is a piece of my heart
Only you can fill

I have wasted months
Thinkin' it over, thinkin' it through
Precious time, I am merely throwing away
It scares me, yet I continue to do so

I hurts
It hurts so much right now
Everytime I think of you,
Is like another pin through my heart
A reminder of what I have lost

But wait, I didnt lose you
I pushed you away, pushed you to the side
Like I expected you to always be there
That forever, will remain on my conscience

Do you ever wonder,
What things would be like if everything turned out differently?
I know I have, I still do
I wonder if I could have been happy?

I feel on the verge of tears
What on earth have I done?
Have I rid of one of the only good things to come into my life

Listen to me
When life gives you treasures,
Grasp onto them
Don't do what I did
And just walk right past whilst giving them a kick in the face

Im crying now, and it hurts so much
But I deserve it
I know I am to blame

Copyright©2004 by Alysse
All Rights Reserved.


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  • 20 years ago

    by Laura

    This was a GREAT poem, and i really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work, this poem really touched me!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Allen

    :) Great poem, I can really relate to parts of that poem ;) I've been having this writer's block for ages and reading was just wonderful, you are such a neat inspiration :D anyway, keep things up, I won't be around as much but I will come back to check out your works :) take care.

  • 20 years ago

    by ShadowedPhoenix

    Great poem with lots of emotion!
    Welldone I'm speechless!!

  • 20 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    don't blame urself for things happening in ur life...everything happens for a reason....god always lets us to meet few wrong people before letting us to meet the right one...may be u will ur Mr.Right soon...take care and keep smiling...FIVE>>>

  • 20 years ago

    by Sara sparto

    thats a really awesome poem girl

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