Tears Keep Her Company

by Chelsea R.   Dec 12, 2004

Tears keep her company
she can count on them to be there
this sweet little girl
saw to soon that life is unfair

body broken and clothes torn
her fragile hands so weak
someone to love her
is what she must so badly seek

spends her time alone
wishing on shooting stars at night
just praying to god
please make things alright

she looks as if she'll fall apart
she's frail as could be
with her loud laugh and beautiful smile
no one could see

this little girl so unhappy
with no one in the world to care
she needed a friend
someone to be there

her parents scream and shout
while she tries to cover her ears
and shut her eyes tight
holding back the cries no one ever hears

an alcoholic for a father
she hurts so bad inside and out
he hits her for no reason
she doesn't know what love's about

didn't they see the scars
the tears in her innocent eyes
bruises on her small arms
did they not realize

nothing matters in her life
it's to late to heal the pain
for her there's no rainbow
after the cold rain


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  • 19 years ago

    by Chelsea R.

    I love reading ur comments N8!! I'm glad you like it....*Chelsea*

  • 19 years ago

    by N8

    that's sad........ I know most of your poems are sad but this one like made me sad so yea good job when you make me feel sad your doing a good job k