Mirror image

by Cimara   Dec 13, 2004

When I look in the mirror, I like the girl I see.
I see a pretty faced, happy girl staring back at me.

I see long brown legs and a figure so athletic and tall.
I see a nice cute bum attached to a waist so very small!

But sometimes I see the other girl who returns my stare.
She looks at me with her tear stained face that shows me it’s not fair!

Her sad bloodshot eyes tell It all so clear.
They tell how looking in the mirror, is by far her greatest fear

Its obvious that she hates the way her body is and doesn't want to be in it anymore.
But she doesn't know how to escape, she can’t find the exit door.

So which girl is me? The gorgeous one who everyone adores?
Or the teary eyed sad girl who doesn’t want to go on anymore?

I search within my soul and find the girl I am, not the one I want to be.
I look in the mirror again, and this time I see me.

When I look in the mirror, I like the girl I see.
I see a friendly-faced blue eyed girl, staring back at me.

I see not so perfect legs and countless other flaws,
But this girl smiles coz she doesn’t care about that anymore!


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  • 20 years ago

    by Avellana

    me.too! i like the fact that you also have good days and bad days! excellent!