Comments : Perfect in my eyes

  • 20 years ago

    by Fluffy Cotton

    Your poem is excellent! It's not only well composed and easy to read, but it's rhyming consistancy is steady and it conveys true emotions and feelings that i can relate to. i wish i could give you some criticism but i cant find anything wrong with it. well done C:

  • 20 years ago

    by Saravana Kumar S

    beautiful and heart pulling poem...yes,love is indeed blind..that's y it is so special to all of us...take care and keep writing...FIVE>>>

  • 20 years ago

    by Autumn

    I really enjoyed your poem, you have extreme talent, keep taking to the top. I am understanding every word you stated in your poem. It's full of emontion and it made me feel the emontions.


  • 20 years ago

    by Andrea

    your poem is very good hun I love every minute of it but I know what you are going though because I went though the same thing with my ex finance but even worst he lied to me cheated on me! If you are over 18 please read my poem When the one you love hurts you and that will explain the feelings I had towards him and the way he hurt me very badly! And I loved him very very much and I thought for awhile I could never love anyone for awhile but I found someone else and he's great I hope you and if you can please comment on my other poems too! Kristen

  • 20 years ago

    by Lauraballz

    Very nice, lovely :)

  • 20 years ago

    by CinnamonTwirl

    your poem is reminds me of me and the way i feel towards my boyfriend

  • 20 years ago

    by Bizarre

    Ok, this is a really awesome poem. I fell hard for a guy, too, and he was the most perfect person to me, and still is. So I understand what you're going through. This really is a good poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by ♥kHarIsMa♥

    great poem...i loved it...i can really relate too...keep writin.5*

  • 20 years ago

    by DooDee

    Good work ..
    I felt ur feelings thru the lines ..
    its filled with so much love and passion
    this is the best part of it ..
    Keep it on

  • 20 years ago

    by Sw33ti3

    This poem is soo kute...keep it up
    *XoX Sw33ti3*

  • 20 years ago

    by Kristen

    awsome poem..i love it! i feel the same way alot..the rhyming is great..especially "though i know u'd break it, i would still give u my heart" and perfect in my eyes is a great viewpoint!

  • 20 years ago

    by MeL JoY

    THANKS for all the comments!!
    i will try to hit back a.s.a.p!!
    wud be nice if u check out my others too!

  • 20 years ago

    by Rebecca

    I really like your poem, I can really relate. Very good poem.

  • 20 years ago

    by B4BY BLU3 X

    You've probably heard this a thousand times before bcuz you have so many comments, but i reli do tink your poem is fantastic
    it perfectly describes how i was wen i fell for a certain boi, he didnt care bou me, but yet i stil loved him
    plz read, vote n comment on my poems.
    it would mean so much to me
    thnx x

  • 20 years ago

    by MeL JoY

    thanks a lot!!
    im glad about every single comment!!
    of course ima check out yours too!

  • 20 years ago

    by Allen

    wow.. very romantic and sweet... the silly guy doesn't know how lucky he is. *sigh* how I wish I have someone that feel the same way for me.... but yeah, great writing :) keep it up.

  • 19 years ago

    by Jomar Bautista

    It was really good.=) It shows some real emotions one feel when he/she is regected.=) About the poem it was written well and it ryhmes but some didn't. If you make your poem ryhmes keep ryhming so that the flow will not be intrerupted.=) All in all it was really good poem I give it a 5!=)