Comments : A letter to a Friend

  • 20 years ago

    by Fluffy Cotton

    Your poem was very nice. it was nearly perfect. it displayed a wonderful amount of emotion and the form was nearly perfect. i loved how the syllables matched up so nicely. a few tips for only like 3 of your 2 line stanzas.

    in the stanza : but nothing in this world can make me believe,
    for one second that you're feeling me.
    instead of you're you can put you are and the syllables will match perfectly.

    also, in the stanza : you know I'd really like to have the chance,
    to be your girl and you be my man
    instead of you be my man you can put you to be my man and it'll fit.
    other than those two little incy wincy tincy things, it was magnificent. you're a wonderful writer. keep it up ^-^