A Tear From A Golden Heart

by Cantchangeme   Dec 13, 2004

Inside the requiem of disenchanted love
Live our true hidden faces
Your image sores on the wings of a dove
Our heartbreak always changes

Secrets held safely here in no-ones place
Held upon strawberry gashes
Disappear upon no return and no trace
Upon red Fields and slashes

Its hard to find a golden heart
To shed a golden tear
The tears always red and dark
Is it that you fear

Able but challenged our souls dance
Tear drop diamonds
Got them all caught in a trance
Now cupid is crying

My life, your book for none to read
Full with all their demons
My heart is more than what i receive
Empty like my opinions


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  • 20 years ago

    by vanessarrr

    i liked it. the poem pulled me in from the very first line- i enjoyed reading it very much. keep it up. take care:)