
by Liz Suffecool   Dec 14, 2004

The pain and hurt just goes on inside
not wanting to live, in this world Id rather die
I cant stand anything a single little bit
everyone whining throwing there fits

people hating you because your not at all like they are
you are way different, much to far
but no one can feel the pain thats with in you
the pain that hurts to much to be true

and to think one little cut may end it all
makes you wonder if people would care
if one day they woke up and you weren't there
and watch as you I fall

I try to escape my pain try to escape my worries
but everything is much to far to see everything seen much to blurry
I'm not sure I want to be in this world anymore
a girl having a little fun sometimes getting called a wh**e

I don't get all the twists and turns of life
or even one might thinks its much simpler to end it with a knife
but I go on learning more about this life
how all this world is based on is Pain and Strife

you have those who wanna die because no one could possibly know how they feel
like the pain everyone else feels compared to theres it not close to real
but I don't see how they get this or why

then there are the ones who get hit and knocked around
someone whose suppose to love them beats them throws them on the ground
then there are the girls who get called a wh**e
because all guys are wanting from her is to score

this world is just like one big puzzle
something you need to peace together and be sure not misplace a part of life, be much to careful
this world is like one big road map all the turns and turns
having to watch out for the on coming curves

like one big Map, you get to pick your own path
wanting to live or taking that forever longing bloodbath
living or dieing
not ready to say goodbye

still have somethings to live for
I'm going to give this world one more chance to show me what it has in store
because theres somethings that make me still want to live keeping going on
living my life knowing I may be going about it all wrong

Hey I'm a little mad and sad and just filled of mixed emotions... nothing really new Ive never really tried to kill myself never really had enough guts to always found something to stop me.... like my friends and my boyfriend and people around me even if I want to just slap them some times


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  • 20 years ago

    by HunnyBun

    c u even said ur-self at the end of the poem theres people out there that care. but believe me ur right there are moments in life that u feel like no one around cares the slighest bit

  • 20 years ago

    by Jose Olivares

    People who care do exist don't give up on us. I'm speaking from experience I tried to kill myself but never had the gutts to really end my life. A friend showed me that there was something to live for and it was my talent of doing tattoos, drawing, I cut some friends hair just for the fun of cutting with no charge and it comes like if I was a professional hair stylist and I didn't even study for anything like that I learned by cutting my hair by myself and its worth it I don't waist money, my friends are kind to me so in return I do them favors, like that. I know you have a future you show it in your poems don't give up let the haters talk smack cause what goes around comes around you make something out of yourself and prove them wrong for what they are talking. They will end up working for you believe me. Take Care nice poem. Don't let the anger defeat you!!! Peace out!!!!!!!!

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