Comments : And she was gone

  • 20 years ago

    by Austin

    Wow I really liked that It was really good really in depth really deep reminds me alot of my style but id stay away (in my opinion) from the song type style I oticed you repeated those same two phrases maybe u didnt mean to but all in all I loved it I give it a 5

  • 20 years ago

    by Unloved ♥

    wow I really enjoyed reading it also..I hate when ppl are sick especially when its a sickness tahts fatal..and hurts really bad to know that your related to that person..death sucks the happiness out of you..its like GAME OVER...yeh..nice poem..

    Unloved ♥

  • 20 years ago

    by Fireflower

    wow.. i seriously don't know why people aren't voting 5's like i did.. that was seriously a powerful poem. I could relate to it alot. Ur an awesome writer lil old me.


  • 18 years ago

    by cut from the [scene]

    Yeah, it's from "As told by ginger" I remember watching that episode and I loved the poem. But you shouldn't say you wrote it. ¬_¬