Comments : Not Worth It

  • 20 years ago

    by Molly Elizabeth

    Please vote and comment... this poem means a lot to me, and it's completly from my own personal experience! I hope this helps people too, because this is how I feel... and I feel very strongly about this subject of guys doing things or ppl in general that u aren't comfortable with. In this poem I was referring to my ex who got high... and my friends told me it wasn't a big deal and I believed it, but looking back on it I could have made one of the hugest mistakes of my life just to get him back. I couldn't believe that those thoughts even crossed my mind! I was often thinking... maybe If I tried it he would see I could be fun and want me back... but that's just stupid that isn't who I am at all! Drugs are just stupid and just show ur a weak person... I could never hurt someone I love to do that but I know ppl that would and It sucks!

    Please vote and comment!!!!!!!!!


  • 20 years ago

    by Molly Elizabeth


  • 20 years ago

    by Bobby Brownlie

    hey thanks for the comment on my poem. great job on this poem i don't know what happened to the emails if you want you can my email is
    take care