Comments : Today

  • 20 years ago

    by pinkalias

    nice poem, I like that you wrote about something that hurt you but that your going to pull out of it, that your life isnt over. All too often girls think that they will never get over something like that, and its nice to see that your writing some inspiration in your love poem. I also like the line, "...I know what it takes to decieve" i really liked that. nice job

    (p.s. i kno you dont agree bashing liam, but he took another person's poem. even IF they said it was ok, theres no excuse. why would u wana tak credit for someone else's work anyway? your still lying, to everyone who reads it, permission or not)

  • 20 years ago

    by Armed-Alcoholic

    Ah, Brillent. very nice. Well done :) Take care.

  • 20 years ago

    by Sinister Soire

    nice spite poem. good work, keep it up. it is a good poem. though it is odd how not all of your line sepreations are actually on a new line.. why is that? well whatever keep up the great work

  • 19 years ago

    by *-*InLove:-)*-*

    Kat, ur poems n things are really great, u are really talented. dont let anyone get u down. u are really talented writter n if anyone says u aint then they need to look agian cause ur great!